15.7.2009 | 08:48
Léttvęg gķfuryrši
Gķfuryrši Žórs Saarisverša įkaflega léttvęg žegar hann segist tvityngdur og kunna ensku til hlķtar en hefur aldrei heyrt oršiš subrogate. Žeir lögfręšingar ķslenskir sem ekki žekkja žaš orš eru heldur illa aš sér ķ ensku lagamįli. Žaš žarf ekki aš leita daušaleit ķ oršabókum til aš komast aš merkingu žessa tiltölulega algenga oršs ķ lagaensku. Nafnoršiš subrogation : The substitution of one claim for another, especially the transfer of the right to receive payment of a debt to somebody other than the original creditor. - Aš ein krafa komi ķ staš annarrar, sérstaklega žaš aš flytja rétt til aš taka viš greišslu skuldar til annars ašila en hins upprunalega lįnardrottins eša skuldareiganda.
Gķfuryrši Žingmannsins eru beint śt ķ blįinn.
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Svavar fullkomlega vanhęfur |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
Nešanskrįšar skżringar (lagamįl) į vefnum.
SUBROGATE - If one person performs a duty of another, they are then "equitable subrogated" to the rights of the person owed the duty. The most common form of subrogation is when an insurance company pays a claim caused by the negligence of another.
The act of putting by a transfer, a person in the place of another, or a thing in the place of another thing. It is the substitution of a new for an old creditor, and the succession to his rights, which is called subrogation; transfusio unius creditoris in alium. It is precisely the reverse of delegation.
There are three kinds of subrogation:
1. That made by the owner of a thing of his own free will; example, when be voluntarily assigns it.
2. That which arises in consequence of the law, even without the consent of the owner; example, when a man pays a debt which could not be properly called his own, but which nevertheless it was his interest to pay, or which he might have been compelled to pay for another, the law subrogates him to all the rights of the creditor.
3. That which arises by the act of law joined to the act of the debtor; as, when the debtor borrows money expressly to pay off his debt, and with the intention of substituting the lender in the place of the old creditor.
Nś er lögfróšra aš skżra hvaš er fališ ķ oršinu ķ tilfelli samningsins!!
Björn Jóhannsson (IP-tala skrįš) 15.7.2009 kl. 09:19
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.